10 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
(Originally posted July 26, 2020)
What Raising Frequency is About
Everything is energy. You, me, animals, vegetables, everything. And everything vibrates at its own frequency. The higher you raise your frequency, the lighter you will feel physically, emotionally and mentally. As it increases, you can experience a feeling of strength, clarity, inner peace, joy, and insight.
It’s possible to raise your frequency so high that you leave physical ailments and pain associated with it behind. Your energy can become pure light. You will find it easier to tune into your intuition, receive messages from your angels and spirit, and make major shifts forward on your spiritual journey. I’m going to give you concrete ways to raise your vibration (another term for frequency) now.
Steps to Raise Your Frequency
- Thoughts and Words. You create your reality through your thoughts and words. When a negative thought enters your mind, acknowledge it, ask yourself if you truly believe it and if it is beneficial for you, then dismiss it, turn it around and find a positive message to focus on.
- Meditation and Visualization. Rushing through our days can lead to a state of chaos. Set aside 10-15 minutes daily for meditation or visualization. This will help you to find peace, balance, clarity, insight, and will reduce anxiety.
- High Vibration Books. Find a high frequency self help book that speaks to you. Read a chapter every day or so, leaving time to absorb the material and put new concepts into practice. A great book to begin with is The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. Books of this type will leave you feeling better and can transform your life.
- Affirmations. Come up with 3 statements that you want to be true about you or your life. They can be simple, such as “I am happy”, or longer such as “I attract healthy loving people into my life”. Twice a day say them 3 times, out loud, looking in a mirror. Continue doing this until you realize that you actually mean what you say.
- Gratitude. Notice the beauty around you. Take a moment to state, out loud, what you are grateful for in life. We all have blessings and when you focus on them instead of what you don’t have, your view shifts.
Related podcast episode: Raising Your Frequency by Avoiding 10 Things
More Ways to Raise Your Frequency
- Intentions. Just before you sleep, set an intention about the next day. Imagine feeling happy and having wonderful things happening throughout the next day. When you wake in the morning say, “This is going to be an amazing day. I’m excited and happy.” This simple practice will have a powerful affect on your outlook and the outcome of your days.
- Be Generous. Giving to others without expecting anything in return or seeking credit for it. This shifts your thinking from a position of lack to that of having plenty. Abundance is a high vibration position.
- Laugh. Laughing frequently improves your mood and quickly raises your frequency. Take a lighthearted approach to challenges in life. Insert a bit of humor to diffuse situations. If you find yourself having difficulty shaking a negative thought, push it aside and think about a situation in the past that made you laugh. Your peace of mind is valuable.
- Avoid Violence and Fear. TV, movies, books and music that involve fear or violence will bring your frequency down. Find alternatives that make you laugh, feel joy, tap into kindness, and other high frequency emotions.
- Sending Love. Think of three people who you find it difficult to deal with. Visualize love going from you to them. Say their name and bless them out loud. It probably will not be easy to do this at first, but over time it will lift your spirits and your frequency.
The Next Step
Now you know how to raise your vibration. It’s time to put these steps into practice. When they have become part of your routine, you are ready for more. There are many other ways to raise your frequency. I will be posting further about other methods to raise your frequency to the highest level possible.
Related Blog Post: The Effects of Fear