Are You a Lightworker?
(originally posted 1/26/17)
You Could be a Lightworker
Here are some questions to ask yourself when determining if you are a Lightworker. Have you always felt a strong desire to help others? Have people accused you of trying to save the world? Are you drawn to healing in some form? When others are sad, hurt, or angry, do you feel their emotions and have great empathy for them?
These traits alone are not definitive, but if they apply to you, odds just went up that you are a Lightworker.
What is a Lightworker?
Some are born knowing they are different. Others awaken to being one as part of their spiritual awakening. That can happen through trauma, a near death experience, or simply by reaching the point where you are meant to awaken to the truth of who you are. I don’t worry about how you became a Lightworker. Instead, I focus on helping you see what an incredible soul you are. Here is some information on where Lightworkers come from.
Are you a Lightworker?
Read the following 10 traits to see how many Lightworker characteristics you have. Scores are provided at the end.
1. You feel Genuine Love and Concern for all People
You exhibit a lack of judgement or prejudice. When you think of humanity, you see all humans as one group and your heart is full of love for them. It’s possible you even feel a connection between your heart and many other people.
2. People & Animals are Drawn to You
Your energy feels good to them. It feels safe and loving. People and animals want to be near you. Others may have said that they feel better when they are around you, or after spending time with you. That is because people have been basking in your high energetic field.
3. You are a Born Healer
You have always had a compassionate nature. It’s difficult for you to see others in pain, whether physical or emotional. You try to help people in any way you can. Correspondingly, it is likely learned First Aid, Reiki or another form of healing.
More Signs of a Lightworker
4. Your Words are Healing and Powerful
This can manifest in you being a writer, speaker, counselor, singer, or song writer. Words flow straight from your heart and they do heal. This is something you do naturally and have great passion for. It is likely you have been aware of this gift since early in life. You may have been told that there is something healing about your voice itself.
5. You Know you Have a Mission
Perhaps you are working your mission, but chances are you are still trying to figure out what it is. For a long time, you have known that you are here to accomplish something specific. It is something that involves your spiritual gifts and your strong desire to heal.
6. You do Not Always Fit In
Sometimes you feel like an outsider at social gatherings, or even among family. This is especially true if they are not spiritual, or do not understand your gifts or your driving need to find your mission. You are content with people who are like-minded. It’s likely you have experienced hostility from others for no apparent reason. These people are not operating in the same dimension as you are and have a fear of you because they do not understand what makes you different.
7. You See or Feel Angels
You have seen an angel, heard them speak, or felt their presence. Since you were very young, you had a sense of knowing that angels are real and that you are protected. You take great comfort in knowing your angels are with you. Your longing for a deeper relationship with them growing steadily.
Yet More Signs of Being a Lightworker
8. Typical 9 to 5 Jobs are Not for You
You may have tried working a typical job, but realized that it was not a good fit for you. The work was not meaningful enough, the people you worked with were toxic or spiritually unaware. At some point, you felt a pull to leave that behind and begin using your spiritual gifts to make a living. When you did that, it felt right instantly and you thrived. You like to set your own hours and do work you are passionate about. For you, happiness is working your mission; not a job.
9. Radiating Joy
Most of the time you are smiling, happy and radiating joy. People call you a ray of sunshine. Strangers respond to your energy with smiles, and pleasant words. Your spirit radiates out for all to see and feel. This is not something you do; it’s who you are.
10. You Shield Yourself from Darkness
This world has a lot of fear, hate, anger, and negativity. However, you have come up with ways to shield yourself from being affected by it. This is because you realize that people and environments have a very real affect on you. Perhaps on a subconscious level, you are protecting your heart and soul from toxic people. If you are aware of this, you have probably left some relationships behind because they were not healthy for you.
If you have 7, or more, of the characteristics, you are a Lightworker. Your journey will not be easy, but you came here specifically to work your mission. You knew, before you were born, that this mission would be challenging. But you agreed to come anyway. The truth is that you are blessed. Because of your gifts, you have the opportunity to make a real difference in the world.
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