Daily Angelic Connection
(Originally posted July 26, 2022)
Getting Closer to your Angels
When you want to have a close relationship with your angels, it helps to inject daily angelic connection into your days.
How to go about this? It’s not hard. Mostly it’s about starting a new routine and sticking with it.
Nine Ways to Make it Happen
- Talk to your angels throughout your day. Think of them as your closest friends and confidants. Tell them how your day is going, say hello to them. This helps you to feel how real your angels are.
- Ask them for guidance for specific issues as they arise. Get your angel’s thoughts and suggestions for handling relationship, work, and personal situations. They love it when you ask.
- Listen for their words. You will hear them as thoughts in your head. Often, they are out of context from your thought process. You will hear these words again and again until you take action.
- Follow their guidance. Listening and hearing is great, but you will not benefit from their wisdom unless you do what they tell you to do, or what not to do.
- Have a piece of angel art in your home or office, or both. I put an angel statue in my living room. The angel is holding a tray which I have filled with crystals associated with angels. I often see angels manifesting around this statue. This piece of art will help keep angels in the forefront of your thoughts.
- Ask one of your angels to touch you on a specific place on your body. You can have your Master Guide touch the top of your head and your Guardian Angel touch your right hand. The more often you practice this, the sooner you will feel the energy of your angels and trust in how you feel it.
- Keep an angel journal. Write down what you experience. Perhaps you heard a message, saw an angel spark or felt angelic energy around you.
Get more information about this on my podcast episode: Keeping an Angel Journal
- Look for angels manifesting around you. They usually appear as light forms which can take a variety of shapes and colors. When you see them, say “hello angels!”
- Thank your angels and God for your blessings. You cannot have too much gratitude for the many blessings in your life. Say them out loud and let yourself feel that gratitude in your heart.
Avoid Overload
If you try to institute all of the ideas above at once, you might feel overwhelmed. When this happens, you might just stop doing these things.
Instead, choose one of the above options and make it a part of your daily routine for at least two weeks. This creates a new, positive habit. Once that habit is a part of your ongoing daily routine, add a second one. Eventually, you can incorporate all of them. It’s more important to have them work that to do all of them right away.
Daily Angelic Connection
Casually adding more daily angelic connection into your life is a great way to build a strong relationship with your angels. They will be thrilled you are making these changes.
Prepare to experience your angels more powerfully over time. It’s worth the wait.