Healing & Counseling Services

Spiritual Counseling $85

A guided process which assists you through difficult or confusing times. A great way to begin if you are not sure what you need.

You can ask questions, get clarity on issues, and discuss situations.

This type of session is a combination of counseling, intuitive and angelic input.

Virtual or In-Person

Click photo above to book session.

Life Coaching $85

Obtain personalized direction in all areas of your life:

  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Personal Growth
  • Health & Wellness
  • Finances
  • Parenting

Virtual or In-Person

Click photo above to book session.

Thought Field Therapy $85

Using a series of tapping, physical movements, and vocalizations you will be able to:

  • Remove emotional attachment to PTSD/Trauma/Grief
  • Eliminate Physical Pain
  • Improve Self-Esteem
  • End Insomnia
  • Eliminate Anxiety & Depression
  • End Addiction
  • Put a phobia behind you
  • Stop feeling Guilt
  • End Anger
  • Put Claustrophobia in your past

Virtual or In-Person

Click photo above to book session.

Archangel Raphael gazing, $42.50

You look into my eyes as Archangel Raphael sends his emerald green light through your body.

Your chakras will be cleared and fully open. You will feel his energy move from your Crown chakra to your Root chakra. Afterward I tell you what he encountered and did within your body.

This 15-minute session raises your frequency and leaves you feeling touched by Raphael's Celestial presence.

Virtual or In-Person

Click photo above to book session.

Angelic Resonance Healing: $85

Ivory utilizes the extremely high frequency of angels & Archangels to clear your energetic field & improve the function of 3 specific physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues.

Ivory calls in angels & Archangels & uses angelic crystals to magnify the angelic frequencies.

You will feel lighter, your frequency will be higher & the positive effects continue.

Virtual or In-Person

Click photo above to book session.

Ivory LaNoue's services are for entertainment purposes only. Information provided should not replace professional advice. Clients are responsible for their decisions, and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any condition. Experiences vary, and any guidance received is subjective. By engaging in these services, you accept personal responsibility and acknowledge that Ivory LaNoue is not liable for any consequences.