powerful ways to repel negative energy, blog post by ivory lanoue

Powerful Ways to Repel Negative Energy

(Originally posted September 8, 2020)

You Have More Power Than You Think

You know it isn’t easy to be around negative people.  What you may not be aware of is how much it affects your body, mind, and spirit.  In these chaotic times, being in a toxic environment can more easily lead to feeling depressed, lacking energy, losing hope, and feeling defeated.  Who needs that, right?

You can take steps to protect yourself whether the negative energy is coming from a family member, partner, friend, or co-worker.  I’m going to walk you through how to r how to repel negative energy in its tracks so you can start feeling better.

Strategies to Protect Yourself

  • Do not add to the drama. Negative behavior feeds the beast.  One of the most powerful ways to repel negative energy is to take the breath away from a negative environment or situation, stay positive and upbeat.  It’s easier to do this when you step into an observer mode.  You are there, but you do not have to do part of the drama.  Stay calm, open minded, flexible and on an even keel.  This gives drama lovers nothing to work with
  • Respond, Don’t React. A response comes from a place of mental clarity and emotional health.  It is chosen to express a thought or position.  A reaction, on the other hand, is a reflex that comes from fear-based impulses.  Reactions lead to discord, hurt feelings and further toxicity.  Think twice so you respond thoughtfully in a manner that diffuses the situation or keeps it as neutral as possible until you can leave.
  • Think solutions, not problems. Negative people tend to focus on problems instead of looking for solutions.  When you are around that type of person, you experience complaining, blaming, and dissatisfaction.  You can stay positive by pushing aside those kinds of thoughts and focusing on solutions to the issue at hand.  Think about strengths you can build on, or simple steps you can take to get some positive momentum going.

Related content: Consider a class in Spiritual Protection

More Strategies to Repel Negative Energy

  • Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. It’s a fact that you are better off with habitually negative people out of your life.  You cannot keep your frequency up and reach your potential or be effective in your life purpose if your energy is repeatedly drained.  Identify people who leave you feeling exhausted, depressed, anxious or abused…even if it’s a family member or someone you consider a friend.  If you don’t guard your boundaries no one else will.
  • Stay in your lane. The only person you can fix is you.  Trying to fix someone else is called enabling.  When you consider doing it, shift your focus to yourself.  What do you need to do to help yourself?  Work on your goals, do some meditation, take a class, practice your skills.  If you try to carry people who are capable of walking, you are not doing them, or you, any favors.  Learn when to stay clear.
  • Practice self care. Yes, it’s the oxygen mask analogy again.  Put your mask on first.  That simply means that you won’t be able to take care of anyone else if you don’t take care of yourself first.  Make your happiness a priority.  Taking good care of yourself will help you stay grounded and strong, even when you are faced with negative energy.

It’s a Process

Learning how to repel bad energy is a process.  In the beginning, you will need to remind yourself to think and act differently.  Over time it will become habit, keeping your frequency high and allowing you to live in a more harmonious state of mind.

Learn more by listening to my podcast episode: Empowering Lightworkers Against Negative Forces