what heaven looks like. blog post by ivory lanoue

What Heaven Looks Like

(Originally posted May 20, 2021)

Visions of the Afterlife

I have not had a near death experience, but I know what heaven looks like.  It happened unexpectedly, as these things tend to occur, during a mediumship reading in my first year as a professional certified medium.

A lovely elderly woman came to see me to hear from her deceased husband.  He had passed away two days earlier.  His energy was not yet strong enough to communicate via voice or pictures.

He Could Not Talk

Her husband tried so hard to talk to me but his voice was so very faint.  Then he tried to show me some pictures, but they were not clear enough to determined what they were.  I could feel his frustration.  His wife so badly needed to hear from him and he really wanted to comfort her.

Finally, he let me see the Afterlife through his eyes.  One moment I was sitting in my office and then suddenly I was standing in field of vividly colored grass and flowers.  There were many large trees with magenta and purple leaves.  Small white bits of fluff were falling gently from the sky.  The sky above was green, blue and yellow.  The intensity of color was stunningly beautiful.

Breathing Love

I gasped in surprise and the sensation was like breathing love.  The air itself carried the emotion of pure, unconditional love.  I deep long, deep breaths and let that love move through me, savoring it.

Then I heard singing.  It was just a few voices at first.  But more and more were added until it sounded like thousands of angels singing.  The notes and harmonies they sang were incredibly beautiful.  I realized that I was crying from joy.  Tears were running down my face and I was grateful to be in this place.  I felt my client’s husband leave my body and just like that, I was back in my office in Sedona.

Just What She Needed

As I wiped the tears from my face, I told my client what I had been shown.  She listened raptly as I shared my experience with her.  Then she smiled and burst into tears.  I apologized for not being able to hear her husband or see the pictures.  She stopped me and explained that she had received exactly what she needed.

Her husband knew that she was afraid of dying.  She had asked him to give her proof of an Afterlife and let her know what to expect.  This lady hugged me and thanked me over and over.  She left with a radiant smile and a more calm energy.

I’ll Never Forget What Heaven Looks Like

That was a life changing moment for me.  Though I have never been afraid to die, I now know exactly what is waiting on the other side.  I think of this experience often and it always brings on tears of joy.  I have told so many people about this and will continue to.  When a powerful moment like that happens it’s not just for that client, it’s for anyone I know who needs to hear it.  It’s been a wonderful teaching story for my students as well.

Other mediumship readings have brought details of life on the other side.  I will write about that in another post.

Have you seen the Afterlife?  If so, what were you shown?  How did it happen?

Related podcast topic: What It’s Like to be a Medium