Being an Angel Communicator

being an angel communicator, blog post by ivory lanoue

(Originally posted 5/13/24)

What is an Angel Communicator?

This is someone who has a natural strong connection to angels. They can hear, see and feel angels.  Not only their own angels, but those of others.  It is also known as being an Angel Channel or Angel Medium.  Becoming an angel communicator is something you might want to consider.
It is a spiritual gift which a person is born with.  However, it is possible to take the gift you came into this life with and raise it to a level where you can help others professionally. What is it like to live with this gift? Let’s chat about that.

Being an Angel Person

As a child, you probably saw angels in various forms, heard them, and felt their touch. You likely spoke to them, which mystified your family as they could not see the angels.  
This lead to you being referred to as having an overactive imagination, being very creative, or having an active fantasy life.  But just because others are not experiencing what you are, does not make it less real.

Fully Developed

The difference between having this gift naturally and being able to do this work professionally is all about honing your skills.  It’s easier to communicate with your own angels as you are familiar with them.  It’s as natural as breathing for those born with this gift.  
Through an Angel Communicator mentoring program, such as mine, you will learn how to protect yourself and clients spiritually so you can be certain it is only their angels coming through.  You will gain skill in seeing angels in all their forms, helping clients feel the touch of their angels, hear their messages more clearly, and even see them.

It Does Take Time

Studying to become a professional Angel Communicator will take some time. You can expect 6 to 12 months of study. It depends on your natural talent and dedication to practicing skills. If you have a very strong gift, you will be ready to do this professionally quicker than others.
You will also learn how to start your own angel business, marketing, blog writing, social media, podcasts and more.  This information will help you avoid pitfalls so your business can take off more quickly and be a success.  


My Angel Communicator course offers certification for those who complete the course satisfactorily.  You will receive a lovely Certified Angel Communicator certificate, suitable for framing.  Clients look for this kind of verification to satisfy them that you know your craft.

Wondering if This is for You?

You can set up a 30 minute Spiritual Counseling session. In this first session, let me know that you are interested in my course. I’ll ask you a series of questions, and can let you know if you have what it takes to become a professional Angel Communicator. Know that I will be honest with you. I don’t accept everyone who applies.
It would not be fair to someone to lead them on.  So if I do accept you, you can be assured that you have the ability to enhance your gift to a level where you can help others know the joy of having a close relationship with their angels and gaining full benefit of their guidance.
If your connection to angels is not strong, are welcome to take my non-certification course with the expectation of getting a certificate of completion afterward. This will prepare you to communicate better with your own team of angels and guides.