Use the methods that appeal to you and feel right for you. Daily spiritual protection ensures that your energy remains high, pure and bright. It gives you extra protection from people and situations that are toxic for you. Feel free to share this link with anyone who needs it.
Face East and say this in the morning as soon as you awake. Also, say it when you are in fear and/or in need of extra protection.
"By the grace of God, I invoke the protection of the Archangels.
Archangel Michael, I invoke thee for protection. Please stand at my right side with your angel warrior energy.
Archangel Uriel, I invoke thee for protection. Please stand at my left side, transmuting negative energy into positive energy.
Archangel Raphael, I invoke thee for protection. Please stand before me with your healing angel energy.
Archangel Gabriel, I invoke thee for protection. Please stand behind me and give me strength, great messenger of God.
Michael to my right, Uriel to my left, Raphael before me, and Gabriel behind me.
Thank you."
Always ground and protect your energy before you start your day, when giving readings, or developing your abilities.
Intention and gratitude mean so you may use any protection words that resonate with you. Also, you may visualize a grounding cord emerging from your root chakra, or under your chair, going deeply into the Earth.
"God, thank you for blessing me with this day, with my life and my many blessings. Thank you for giving me another opportunity to serve you in this body. I ask that you surround me in a beautiful, translucent golden bubble of protection that is bathed in the divine white light of your Holy Spirit, sealing in all of my positive energies and good health and sealing out all negative energies, ill health and entities from lower realms. I send white light to the lower realms so that only peace, love and protection may enter. And so it is."
This one is done in the shower. Make the water as hot as you can tolerate. Stand under the spray and say:
"I am standing under the blue waterfall of God's love and protection; washing away all negativity from within and without."
Say this 2 or 3 times. As you do so, visualize all negativity washing away, going down the drain to disperse harmlessly into the Universe. See your violet light (see book at bottom of this page) shining strong, easily able to resist all attempts by dark energy to affect you.
When you are afraid, nervous, or experiencing dark energy attacks:
Visualize a beautiful, gleaming gold bubble of God's love and protection surrounding and protecting you.
Then imagine a bigger bubble around your bed, then one around your bedroom, another around your home, one around your vehicle, and a final bubble around your property.
This can be done at your home, business, a hotel, or anywhere you happen to be.
Say this before sleeping:
"Angels surround me, angels protect me and those I love and care about."
Ivory is a respected Angel Communicator and Spiritual Counselor with extensive experience helping clients grow spiritually strong enough to stand against just about anything the dark sends, whether that be a person or an entity.
Ivory has gone through multiple long term spiritual attacks. She uses that experience to help you realize your own power, step into it and be able to protect yourself effectively.
If you need help with this, a Spiritual Counseling session is the place to begin.