Touched By Spirit
(Originally posted May 8, 2019)
What Does it Feel Like?
When people are touched by spirit, they feel it in different ways. It has to do with how your energetic field interprets the high frequency of spirit.
What does it feel like to be touched by a spirit? Here are some feelings you might have when a spirit touches you in an attempt at afterlife communication:
- Chills
- Colder
- Warmer
- Tingling
- Pressure
- Strong Sense of Presence
Related podcast episode, Communicating With Loved Ones After Death
How to Feel Touched by Spirit
- Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and breathe calmly.
- Do some spiritual protection to create sacred space.
- Out loud, ask a specific departed loved one to touch you on a specific part of your body. Then focus on that body part for a few minutes.
When you feel something, take a few moments to enjoy the touch of your deceased loved one. This is proof of afterlife for you…meaningful proof as it pertains to your deceased loved one.
Other Spirits
The way you felt the touch of spirit in the above exercise is what you will feel when any spirit touches you.
The strength of that feeling will increase or decrease based on the energetic strength of the spirit.
Spirits can be very strong immediately after death, or they can take years to gain enough strength to make their presence known. Being touched by a spirit is a wonderfully confirming moment that your deceased loved one is with you. So if you have to wait to experience it, it will be worth it.
Use this Connecting With Your Angels guided meditation I created to achieve connection with your angels.
Want to Know More?
You can learn how to do afterlife communications. This can be done by automatic writing, EVP’s, and learning the ways that Spirit Gives you Signs.
It is not necessary to be a medium to receive messages from your departed loved ones. All you need is a sincere desire to learn. So, if you want to experience being touched by spirit, you can achieve that with practice. Proof of afterlife is available to all.