Essences to Lift Your Mood
(Originally posted March 27, 2020)
Three Drops Under the Tongue
It’s not a spoonful of sugar, but you can certainly stir some in. Right now feelings are high, right? We’re all experiencing moments when we feel overwhelmed. I’m going to share information with you about essences to lift your mood.
When emotionally stressful moments happen, you might enjoy having some healing essences on hand. They can change your mood fast.
You may find this podcast episode comforting: Your Angels are Aware of the Chaos
What Are Essences?
A favorite of mine are Bach flower remedies. Rock Rose. It claims that it “adds courage and presence of mind in the face of terror or intense fear. I first purchased this one years ago when I was in a dangerous situation. It definitely helped me calm down and let me get better sleep. It’s made of distilled water and particular flower essences. It’s not difficult to lift your mood with flower essences. Just a few drops under the tongue or in a small glass of water.
Another Bach flower remedy I like is called White Chestnut. It claims that it “encourages a peaceful and calm mind when thoughts and worries go round and round in your head.” I’m taking this one at night to help me get better sleep. It is also made of distilled water and flower essences.
Another favorite is angelic essences. Each has elements that are attached to a specific archangel. I like one by Angelic Essences called “Hope”. It’s made of distilled water infused with angelic energy. Keep reading to find out how this type of essence is made.
Where to Get Them
I’ve seen Bach flower remedies at health food stores and online sites. So, you can get these even if you’re socially isolating. As the virus progresses, temporarily we will likely need to rely more on healing techniques we can do ourselves, or obtain at a distance.
There are a lot more choices in the Bach line and in other brands. When the find the ones that are right for you, with daily use you will notice a subtle shift and then changes for the better.
If you need more healing that essences can handle, you will likely benefit from one of my healing services.
You Can Make Your Own Essences to Lift Your Mood
If you can’t get some now, you can make your own angelic essences. Put distilled water into a small bottle with dropper. Hold the bottle in your hand and call in your angels as well as Archangel Raphael for healing. Ask them to infuse the water with their healing energy with the intention of healing you for the specific issue you are experiencing.
You will need to make a separate one for each issue. If you don’t have bottles with a dropper, you can carefully drop 3 drops from the bottle.
How Do You Use Them?
They come with a dropper. Put three drops under your tongue and voila! That’s all there is to it. Then you go about your day.
Want to know how to lift your mood with angel essences? Call in your personal angels or an Archangel, then put a few drops of the essence under your tongue. Usually it has no taste or a very mild pleasant taste.
Of course you need to do the other things that ground you, balance you, and keep your spirits up. Alternative healing benefits are many. This is another tool for your spiritual toolkit.
Related podcast topic: 10 Ways to Lift Your Mood