Spiritual Cleansing

spiritual cleaning blog post by ivory lanoue

(Originally posted 2/13/24)

Three Types of Spiritual Cleansing

A spiritual cleansing is a process which removes things from your life which are no longer in your best and highest good. There are three different types of spiritual cleansing. They are:

~ Relationships/Career

~ Negative Input

~ Diet

These are not particularly in order. You may experience them individually, spaced out by years or all at once.

A spiritual cleansing happens because there is something, or things, in you life which are holding you back and keeping your frequency lower than it could be. Your angels won’t let these situations go on long.

You will likely feel an internal push to make a change. And if you do not heed that, change is foisted upon you. This is part of everyone’s spiritual journey.

Going With the Flow

You are consciously working on yourself, personally and spiritually. As you do this, you are raising frequency. So you are changing, but the people and circumstances in your life have probably stayed the same.

Because your frequency has risen, and you have lower frequency aspects around you, you will eventually feel it. You may feel uncomfortable. Perhaps you have a realization that you no longer enjoy being around certain friends. It could be that your work does not pop your cork anymore.

This extends to physical sensations. One of them is feeling nauseous when you hear, read, or talk about violent, hate filled, angry topics.

Know that this discomfort and dis-ease will not go away until you make the necessary changes. If you choose to fight the process, that sense of discomfort will only increase.

It comes to a point where you are feeling stuck in life, or aspects of your life. You might even lose the ability to access your spiritual gifts for a period of time.

The answer is to go with the flow. Let happen what needs to happen. When you do, life gets easier. You will feel better and experience shifts forward personally and spiritually. We are not meant to be stagnant beings.


This is a common spiritual cleansing. You have been in a romantic relationship for years and everything was fine. Or you have been good friends for a long time. This type of spiritual cleansing can happen with family members too. Suddenly you feel disconnected from this person. You don’t have much in common. Perhaps you feel the need to edit your conversation because they are not on a spiritual path. You might simply not enjoy being around them anymore.

Nothing changed. They are still the same person you married. You can probably guess what I’m going to say next. What has changed is you. When you work on personal and spiritual growth, you cannot stay the same.

You are raising frequency higher. There’s has not risen. Or it hasn’t raised enough to work with your frequency. This creates an energetic discord between you.

Sure, you could stop growing personally and spiritually, but you cannot unlearn what you know. That old saying, “You can’t put the genie back in the bottle”, is true. You have little choice but to keep moving ahead.

When you are going through this type of spiritual cleansing, being around people whose frequency no longer matches yours can leave you feeling drained, sad, confused.

Not Necessarily Goodbye

You don’t want to walk away from this relationship. So maybe you hang on longer. It just feels more uncomfortable. And you know what’s going on. Understand that the other person feels that discomfort too. They just don’t know why they feel it.

It’s not something you can explain to them well because it will feel like a put-down to them. It’s not. This is not about one person being superior over others. It just…is.

In the end, you will choose to end that relationship. Know that it will be kindness for them and for you. Sure, it will hurt at first. You will feel some sadness and miss them. But understand that you are missing the relationship you used to have with them. That is in the past.

Let them go with love. Bless them and allow yourself and them to follow the path you are meant be on. Both of you will be happier.


You have felt it for a while. You just don’t enjoy your work anymore. The passion is gone, or the people are toxic. Just a toxic boss can start this off.

Just as happens in your personal life, your frequency may no longer work with the frequency of the work you do. Or perhaps it’s the frequency of some of the people you work with that’s the issue.

You have a hard time making yourself to work. It’s a slog to get through the day. The passion you had for your work is gone. Poof.

Know that you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s probable that you are meant to shift into new work. This happened to me a couple of times. First, when I worked in radio. It was a job I loved so much. The station owner was toxic, but I enjoyed my work so much it was okay. Then…it wasn’t.

I was feeling run down, depressed and confused. What changed? This was really early in my spiritual awakening and I was still trying to ignore my angel’s guidance. Not a good idea.

The pressure built and built until I could not work there anywhere. Luckily, my angels had told me I needed to work in the field of mental health. I had never given that career any thought. This change required me going back to college, getting a new degree. But once I started moving ahead into the shift from radio into mental health, I felt a lot better.

I could deal with the remaining time in radio because there was light at the end of the tunnel. You can do this too.

Negative Input

This type of spiritual cleansing makes itself known when you are watching, reading, listening to or talking about something scary, violent, or angry. These are low frequency emotions, so it’s really not surprising that as your frequency rises, low frequency emotions hurt.

For me, this manifested as getting a stomach ache and feeling nauseous when I would watch a horror movie. I used to love them. But, suddenly, I couldn’t watch them. Scary books gave me nightmares and left me feeling unnerved.

When I listened to too much news with all of the licentious glorifying of violence, doom and gloom, I had the same reaction.

I enjoy scientific experiments, so I conducted some behavioral experiments on myself. That’s how I figured out what was causing my stomach pain and nausea. Trial and error. You can do the same thing to convince yourself of the truth of what I’m saying here.

The pain will be in your Solar Plexus, which is your upper abdomen. That chakra is the biggest receiver in your body. It’s complimentary to your spiritual growth that your frequency has become high enough to so quickly react to low frequency. It doesn’t feel good, but it is one sign of spiritual growth.

You can shift through this type of spiritual cleansing by changing your habits. Avoid low frequency entertainment and discussions. Minimize your news intake. Consider reading it, not watching it. Don’t engage in low frequency conversational topics.

It takes time and diligence but eventually this is second nature. As your frequency continues to rise, you may go through this again. At that point on your spiritual journey, you will need to further revise your habits.


This type of spiritual cleansing is when you are moved, intuitively and by your angels, to clean up your diet. This is not the same thing as going on a diet. It’s not about cutting calories or losing weight. This type involves a focus on putting food and beverages into your body that are going to help you.

Different foods and beverages has different frequencies. Organic produce and purified water are high frequency. Beef and some other meats, sugar, alcohol, processed foods and other things are low frequency.

Look at it as if you want your budget body to become a high-functioning race car. That cannot happen if you put cheap gas it it. Food is fuel.

When you are going through a dietary spiritual cleaning you will crave healthier foods and lose the taste for unhealthy ones.

For me, it began with not tolerating sugar. Later, I could not drink carbonated beverages. It tasted like a mouthful of chemicals, which it is. I began drinking a lot more water. Then I lost a liking for chicken and beef. Since then, I rarely eat meat and when I do, it’s sparingly.

This is an ongoing process. Once it begins, you can go through this multiple times in your lifetime. That is due to your frequency continuing to rise. A higher vibrating body requires higher frequency food.

Money is tight and I understand budgets. You don’t need to instantly make changes in your diet. When your body needs it, you will know. Don’t worry about it. Know that you are doing a great job raising the vibration of your body.

There’s no reason to put your family on the same diet. Their frequency may not have the same requirements as yours.

Looking Forward

As I mentioned earlier, these spiritual cleansing is not a one-time event. They can happen a few times, or many times, throughout your life time. Every time you reach a new, higher frequency, you can expect both internal and angelic guidance to encourage changes.

You will know what’s right for you because you will feel it. When it’s time to make a change, you will hear your angels telling you. Now, you make not like it. But it is to assist you in shifting to even higher frequencies. If you long to experience 5-D or ascend, this is a necessity.

Do your best to relax and go with the process. You are not losing anything. It’s just a change. Life is full of change and rarely is it negative. It is inevitable however. Trust that your spiritual cleansing will lead you to remarkable growth.