empath survival, blog post by ivory lanoue

Empath Survival

(Originally posted March 25, 2020)

Why is it so hard to shield now?

It’s been increasingly difficult for Empaths over the last couple of years.  Anger, hatred, division and worries about the environment have put Empaths on overload. Empath survival is needed more than ever.

That’s because we have our own feelings to deal with, and then get bombarded with other people’s emotions too.  Empath survival requires more effort than ever.  But you can do this.  I’m going to share some Empath survival tips with you here.

How Do I Shut This Down?

There are a few methods I use to shield myself as an Empath on a daily basis.  Some I use multiple times per day.  The best way to achieve Empath survival is to begin your day with protection.  Here are a few methods you can try:

  1. Before you get out of bed, visualize a golden bubble of God’s love and protection surrounding you. Nothing can get through that bubble that you do not want to feel.
  2. Prior to the start of your day, stand up and say this three times as you move your hands from over your head down and out at the hips: “I’m shutting down my upper chakras and opening my root chakra.”  Come up with visualization to accompany this.  It makes it work better.  You are welcome to use mine.  As my hands move down from my head to my hips, I see storm windows shutting and locking tight.  Then as my hands move out at my hips, I see a huge root growing from me right down into the ground.  This provides me with instant peace and then grounding.
  3. If an outside emotion breaks through your protection, you may feel pain in your solar plexus (upper stomach), or even feel sick. There is a quick remedy to that.  Simply place your palm flat against your solar plexus.  It will shut that right down.

Set Boundaries

What will you accept?   Conversely, what is unacceptable to you?  Also, what can you handle and what becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back?  Here are some things to look at and decide for yourself:

  • Avoid watching the news- The focus is, too often, on negativity and chaos.  It is designed to cause feelings of fear and hopelessness.  Set a limit on watching or reading news.
  • Abstain from Violent or Scary Things-  When you indulge in frightening or violent tv, movies or books, it changes your vibrations to a discordant vibration.  The feelings of fear brought up by what you see or read will affect your emotions dramatically.
  • Shield yourself- Do this by repeating the movements/mantra provided above when you first begin to feel the emotions of others creeping into your energetic field.  For now, that might be during a phone call or an email.  When we can socialize again and be in crowded places, that can be a major challenge.
  • Stop trying to save everyone-  That is not why you are here or why you were given this ability.  You are here to help people, but it is not your task to save the world.  Not even now. Be discerning about who you help, how you help, and your own welfare.  Definitely help others, but when you feel yourself being drained, stop for a while.
  • Cut ties with toxic people- Some people affect you so negatively that you cannot afford to be around them.  The effects of spending time around them will last far beyond the actual time you are with them.  These people are damaging and depleting your energy.  If they are family, drastically reduce the amount of time you are around them, and the conditions that you will be around them in.

Related podcast topic, Setting Effective Boundaries.

Fill Your Soul

It is important that you remember to do what fills your soul.   As an Empath, you give a lot of yourself to others.  This can lead to your “battery” being drained.

Make time to do things that give you joy and recharge your spirit.  Spend some time outdoors regularly, try grounding or what my friend Janet and I call watering, which involves suspending your bare feet in fresh running water.

Enjoy your hobbies, make music, dance, express yourself, spend time with friends who lift you up.  This is every bit as important to Empath survival as shielding and boundaries.

Did you know you can become a Certified Empath and use your gift professionally?

Shielding for Empath Survival

Before I implemented these techniques in my life, I had tremendous difficulty in crowds, large stores, big parties, and even Disneyland.  A trip to Wal-Mart would wipe me out and leave me feeling bombarded.

Day one of putting shielding in place, I was able to spend over an hour at Wal-Mart with no problem.  I probably looked like a weirdo walking around, buying nothing, with a big smile on my face.  The difference was so significant and quick, I could hardly believe the difference.  You see, I felt nothing but my own emotions.

These survival tips for Empaths will get you started.  I trust that after putting your own shielding and boundaries into place, you will come to embrace your Empath ability as the gift it really is.

Listen to this episode of my podcast, The Angel Room, to learn about Heyoka Empaths: The Most Rare Type