Ivory LaNoue

Discovering Your Spiritual Mission

What is My Life Purpose?

I get asked this question often. It reminds me of when I was wondering the same thing about my purpose. Though I can give you intuitive guidance toward the next step, a direct answer is unlikely to come forth. This is because the journey of discovering your spiritual mission is what prepares you to be successful in it.

Now you are wondering how you can make progress in figuring out what your spiritual mission is. I have prepared some practical methods you can use to discover your spiritual mission as quickly as possible.

Finding the Answer

First, think back to your childhood. What did you want to be at that time in your life? What were you passionate about? You may have given that passion up because you got negative feedback from adults. Perhaps you chose to give it up, thinking that you needed to do something more practical. Give some thought to this and see what comes up. There are quite a few people who know precisely what they want to be from a very young age.

Next, think about what brings you joy now. Make a list of the hobbies, places, activities that provide a sense of satisfaction and joy. If one of those things is your life purpose, you are going to feel something in your soul…or in your body…as you write it down. You might get chills, or feel something within telling you “this is it.” Sit in silence with no distractions and allow your mind to find and open a memory that has been closed to you for a while.

Then, listen for guidance and watch for signs from your angelic team. The words may be whispered in your mind, or come through quite clearly. Signs can be written, literal or symbolic. One of the primary methods your angels and guides use to get your attention is synchronicity. These moments help you to see important information. Each message or sign is leading you to the next one. It could be a person, a place, a class, a book, a movie, a social group. Stay open and follow messages and signs, step by step, and eventually you will bump right into your spiritual mission.

Still Looking?

Pay close attention to what you are being lead to do, or learn. This takes us back to the importance of signs. The people, classes, topics your angelic team leads you to are important. They are part of the knowledge you need to fulfill your spiritual mission well. So, if you are led to do something you would not normally do, go with it. If it’s possible for you to do, just do it. Trust that your angels know more about the overall picture of your spiritual life than you do.

Think back on your relationships of all kinds, and the jobs you have done. Not one relationship or job was a mistake. No time was wasted over your lifetime. Take a little time to list the skills and lessons learned in each relationship and job you had. It’s likely that you will see an emerging pattern. Identifying this will help you to see what you have been preparing for through your lifetime. You could have an epiphany moment about this.

Put the Pieces Together

The process of discovering your spiritual mission is a lot like that of putting together a puzzle. An intricate one. You find the outside edge pieces of the puzzle, but it becomes increasingly difficult to complete. Then, suddenly, you see where a piece goes. Then another, and another. A picture is forming and it’s clear to you. When the puzzle of your life purpose is complete, you will fully awaken to your spiritual mission. You will have no doubts about what you are here to do. At that point, you will move forward with confidence into the mission you came here to complete.

I invite you to listen to my podcast, The Angel Room. Topics like this are discussed. You can also watch my podcast on YouTube.