finding your spiritual love, blog post by ivory lanoue.

Finding Your Spiritual Love

(Originally posted 12/30/18)

It Starts Before You Meet

Many people think they begin to learn how to be a good romantic partner once they are in a relationship.  But if you are open to finding your spiritual love, you need to begin the work now.

Who you are now has a lot to do with the type of person you will attract.  It also affects the type of relationship you will have.  Most of the real work is done when you are single and aware that you are ready for a deeper connection.

Want more helpful information to help you find your spiritual love? Listen to my podcast episode on Be the Type of Person You Want in Your Life.

Skills to Master

Before you are ready to invite your spiritual love partner into your life, you need to master these things:

  • Create a great relationship with yourself-  Take the focus off of finding love and put it squarely on you.  The key to having a happy relationship and lasting joy in life is to have a positive self image.  How do you feel about you?  How do you think about yourself?  How do you speak about yourself?  How are you holding yourself back from self acceptance, and why?
  • Let go of Anxiety and Trust- You have a team of angels and guides who are focused on helping you along your journey.  Of course they have a part in ensuring that a wonderful spiritual love is  coming in for you.  Release your anxiety.  Trust that your love will come in when the time is right, when you are ready, and when you have the best chance to uphold your half of a highly successful relationship.
  • See Yourself as Lovable- Until you believe that you deserve love…a remarkable spiritual love…you are telling the Universe to withhold that from you.  If you don’t believe you are lovable, how is anyone else supposed to?  When you see yourself as easily loved and note the positive traits you have, the energy shifts and you are manifesting love.

More Skills to Master

  • See the Love that Surrounds You Now-  Love is everything and it does not have to be romantic love.  Look around at your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.  Think about how they love you and allow yourself to feel that love.  Let it fill your heart.  You have been loved all along.  This knowledge, and being able to tune into it at will, can sustain your need for love as you continue working on yourself.
  • Get Rid of Checklists-  Lists of traits you want can create tunnel vision.  You can be so focused on finding that overly defined person that your spiritual partner slides in under the radar and you don’t even notice them.  Let yourself be surprised.  You can find that your spiritual partner exceeds any list you could have made.
  • Heal Your Heart and Start Fresh- Bringing pain of previous relationships into a new one poisons it from inside.  You have the wisdom    of experience.  You do not need to be hyper-vigilant, looking for problems that may not even be there.  Give people the benefit of the        doubt.  Let them show you who they are.  People are generally good.  You are likely to see any red flags quickly.

Yes, Even More Skills to Master

  • Find Your Flaws and Work on Them-  Do extensive introspection about yourself.  Think about your weaknesses, your flaws, and the        times in your life you have handled things less than spiritually.  It’s not a fun process, but it does give you a list to work on.  Before you    can overcome an issue, it must be identified and owned.  With ongoing, sincere effort, you can think and act differently.  If you have a    flaw that you would find unacceptable in a romantic partner, start with that.
  • Communicate With Integrity-  Most relationship breakdowns begin with poor communication.  One, or both, either say things in a          hurtful way, or suppress thoughts & feelings.  Healthy communications are honest, sincere, and come from a place of integrity.
  • Take Cues From a Healthy Couple-  We tend to copy what our parents relationship was like.  If your parental modeling was not healthy, those lessons need to be relearned in a way that supports happiness within a relationship.  If you know a couple who treat one another    with love and respect, and you know them well, ask them questions.  This can help you understand new, healthy ways of interacting.  Or you can watch them.
  • Practice Opening Your Heart-  Some people find it difficult to love with abandon.  You can practice this skill with your family and            friends.  Give them more love than you have been comfortable with.  Take yourself to a place of unconditional love and acceptance.  This will help you love in this manner automatically when your spiritual partner shows up.

Finding Your Spiritual Love Sooner

At this moment, as you read this article and have not yet begun to work on these ten steps, if I looked at a time line as to when your spiritual partner will come in, it might be many months or even years from now.

By working on yourself, changing how you think and react, learning to love fearlessly, being open to surprises, and learning to trust; within a month I know your time line would move up.  It can be moved forward considerably when positive action is taken and done consistently.  You have some control over when love comes in for you.

Those Who Have Found Spiritual Love

Leave a comment here about your experience.  How did you two meet?  What did you experience at the moment of meeting?  How did you realize that they were your spiritual partner?

If you have been working these ten steps and are noticing some differences, or running into difficulty, leave a comment about that as well.

I Hear You Skeptics

The exercise is a starting point.  When you are ready to accept that you are feeling the energy of your angels, you will.  If you are afraid, or scoffing inside at the whole idea, then you will need to practice more.

For an in-depth experience with your angels, consider my Meet Your Angelic Guides reading.  I tell you the names of your angels and spiritual guides, their appearance, why they are with you, and their messages for you.  You will learn how to see, hear, and feel them with specific exercises.

Spiritual Counseling can help identify the barriers getting in the way of you finding your spiritual love.