lightworker origins, blog post by ivory lanoue, angel communicator

Lightworker Origins

(Originally posted 10/4/2018)

Where do Lightworkers Come From?

Just like many of the people on the planet now, it is possible that your Lightworker origins are another planet.  If that seems too far fetched for you, think of other planets as other dimensions.  If you are Lightworker, this possibility is greatly increased.

There are lots of lists online that you can read and see if you are Star seed, meaning that you originated on another planet.  This is not a focus of my work, but it does sometimes come into play during a reading.  So having these resources could be helpful to you.

I wrote an earlier post on Are You a Lightworker?, you may find interesting.

Feeling Like You Don’t Belong

While that is the core of coming from another planet, it goes far beyond that.  From a young age you knew you were different.  People treat you differently but you don’t know why.  The list goes on and on.

Lightworkers have had so many lifetimes.  Afterlife research has revealed that our lifetimes are not always here on Earth.  We can reincarnate on other planets and in other dimensions.  Sometimes my clients have recurring dreams or memories that they wish to understand.  That can lead to discovering that they are a Star seed.  At that point, I pass them on to my friend who is an expert in these matters.  What I can help them with is this lifetime; how their past on another planet is holding them back now.

Lightworker Origins

If you are curious, there are sites online that help you determine which star system you originated in.  Learning what your Lightworker origin is can be a good starting point.  See what comes up and whether it feels right to you.  Does it confirm some things you have wondered about yourself and your life?

As a Lightworker, you came into this lifetime with a lot of knowledge that was accumulated through many lifetimes.  You may find it useful to know where that knowledge was given to you and by whom.  Clients often ask me how Lightworkers are created.

Born a Lightworker

You want to know where Lightworkers come from.  First, Lightworkers are born Lightworkers.  This is not something that happens to you at some point along the way.  For some, it does take years to understand who and you are and what that means.

There is a book I refer my newly awakened Lightworker clients to.  It is called “Lightworker”, by Sahvanna Arienta.  If you like it, the author has written two more books for Lightworkers that are equally good.

You may enjoy my podcast episode on Being Called to Serve.